
Modeling of the Packet Error Rate (PER) by including conditions of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) for transmissions Ad-Hoc.

In this project we will make theoretical analysis and simulations. The project will have four stages which are detailed below:

Stage I (Reduction of the PAPR in ah-hoc networks)

In this stage we will analyze the PHY layer of IEEE 802.11 that allow ad-hoc configurations and use the OFDM transmission technique, for that is necessary to review the standard and simulate in order to compare the performance of each amendment of IEEE 802.11. Further, the behavior of the OPS-SAP technique for the reduction of PAPR in each of the ad-hoc environments (IEEE 802.11a / g / p) will be analyzed.

For this purpose, a degree project will be proposed in which the PHY of each amendment will be compared and a master's thesis for the analysis and comparison of the performance of the OPS-SAP technique in each ad-hoc environment. In addition, a scientific publication will be made with the results obtained from comparisons.

Stage II (Experimentation)

For the experimental analysis of each block of an OFDM transmission, two devices of Radio Defined by Software USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) will used to experience with a wireless link 802.11. The implementation of this communication system requires installation and configuration of GNU Radio, free and open development. GNU Radio provides interfaces for signaling processing blocks. Software interfaces can be accessed through programming in Python or C ++ and CORBA in a distributed administration. These GNU Radio integration works, communication hardware, as well as the development of an administration software and configuration system constitute an integrity part of a research master's thesis.

Once the system is in operation, it will proceed to validate the results of the simulation of the stage I. These validation tasks will be developed in the framework of a second master's thesis (or degree project).

This comparison will have the objective making the necessary adjustments in the simulated model that guarantees that the results generated in stage III are similar to those that can be obtained in ad hoc communications with network cards that implement the PAPR technique studied in this project.

In this stage, a scientific publication will also be generated.

Stage III (Analysis of the PER)

Here, we intend to analyze the existing literature about calculation of the PER, formulate a new equation for the calculation of the PER that including aspects of the PAPR. To do this, we will try to modify the existing proposals and / or the formulation of a new equation based on the results of the simulations obtained. Both options will be analyze extensively.

For this stage, a master's thesis will be proposed and at least a scientific publication will be presented.

Stage IV (Implementation in network simulators)

The results of a network simulation are totally dependent of the level detail in the simulation of the different layers of communication. One of the layer very few layers studied and often is over-simplified is the physical layer, which only in recent years has seen grow the proposals to increase the level of realism to ensure reliability to the results.

This stage of project aims to contribute the development and improvement of the level of realism of the PHY layer of a network simulator. For this, it is planned to include the equation obtained in the formulation of the PER including the PAPR of the previous stage. For this, it must be considered that the formula possibly should to adapt or simplify, trying to maintain its level of accuracy as stable as possible. This is because a network simulator usually does not have the mathematical libraries that allow to perform complex or extensive calculations. On the other hand, it mut be considered that the formula to be used should not degrade the simulation time drastically, as this would limit its adoption in network simulators.

In addition, in this stage a degree project will be generated or master's degree and a disclosure publication , because it shows one of the results of the project that can be used by a very broad scientific community, such as which is responsible for the study of ad hoc networks through simulations.


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Project funded by the Vice-Rector for Research and Social Projection of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional